Sunday 10 June 2012

Wordless of Day

Dear Mr. Chenta,

whatever it will takes, i willing to waiting for you..
and whatever it will comes, i willing to loves you.
cause u're the only one who have stolen my heart,
and u're the only one who have appreciate me so much.


#this pic is taken after i had finished photoshoot my class magazine, then he company me until the end of  the shoot, tenkiu my dear!

 I ♥ my Amirul Akmal Zailani

gua sayang dia. kbai :')

Dear Buchuk,

#Mr. Chenta, sori kadang2 muchuk bz sampai terabaikan awak. Mintak ampun  V_____V

note:: suker giler ayat ni "pertahankan dia yang setia bersama kita saat kita berada dalam kesusahan, dan lupakan dia yang meninggalkan kita saat dia diulit kegembiraan". hewhewhew :3

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